Champ. Indiv. Minis en gym. générale 2018 – fém. et masc.
First tounament experiences on Individual Championships for Minis
Saturday, 05.05.18 et sunday, 06.05.18:
Our three young girls discoverd an individual championship which regroups all luxemburgish gymnasts in their age class.
Head coach Julien:
Some blunders costed a lot , but they are still young and have some great years to come. 😉
- A2 (2010): Jasmine 9e, Sara 24e
- A4 (2012): Lilli 5e
The final points were very close-packed and the littlest mistake caused a drop of the gymansts in the final results.
But anyway nice achievements for our mini boys. 😉
- A1 (2009) : Samuel 9e
- B1 (2009): Malthe 7e, Jay 8e, Sacha 9e